Getting to Know Whitney Cooper, Marketing & Business Development Specialist at NAOSSOFT

Q: What is working at NAOSSOFT like?
Working at NAOSSOFT is exciting and rewarding: no day is exactly the same. It’s also been great for building writing and marketing experience.

Q: Describe NAOSSOFT in three words.
NAOSSOFT is brilliant, technical, and interesting.

Q: What hashtags describe your personality best?

shoppingaddict #wanderlust #naturelover

Q: Where is your happy place in Jacksonville, Florida?
The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens and the downtown area. I love seeing all the shops, restaurants, and Spanish moss hanging from the trees. And the beach is fabulous too, of course!

Q: What is something people don’t know about you?
My mother and her family are Italian. I was born in Italy and have visited Italy around ten times in my lifetime. I love it and I’m really proud of it. My Italian isn’t amazing, but I can understand quite a lot of it.

Q: What has been your favorite project at NAOSSOFT?
I liked a lot of projects, but I think one of my favorites has been writing content for the Bon Appetit Haitian Restaurant. It’s fun writing about food; I find it easy to be creative. It was amazing learning more about Haitian culture—and about all the different kinds of Haitian foods! It really made my mouth water.

Q: What do you like about working at NAOSSOFT?
I love being able to see the fruits of my work on a completed website or social media. It makes me feel confident in my current work as well as my ability to grow and learn from different experiences. It’s extremely flexible, and no two days are the same.

Q: What do you like about working remotely?
I like not having to rely too much on an office space: all I really need is my laptop and my ideas. It’s great not worrying about gas or traffic. Being able to dress however you want has its perks, too!


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